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[日本初!] HRM国際標準「ISO 30414」シンポジウム -ヒューマンキャピタルレポーティングの未来 ISO 30414:2018-Japanese Webinar

オンラインイベント - 2021年1月28日木曜17:00-19:00 JST (08:00-10:00 GMT)




今回の大型シンポジウムでは、「ISO 30414」を制定したISO組織(Technical Committee 260)主要メンバーZahid Mubarik氏によるオンライン基調講演(同時通訳有り)の後、国内大手都市銀行によるエンゲージメントデータを活用して企業価値向上につなげた好事例のご紹介と慶應ビジネススクール岩本特任教授、三井住友銀行人事幹部、HRT代表理事香川憲昭によるパネル討議、という盛り沢山の内容でお届けします。


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Online Event - 08:00-10:00 GMT (17:00-19:00 JST)

This event is in the Japanese Language (with the translation of English speakers into Japanese)

Note: The first hour will be in English, simultaneously translated into Japanese. This will be by Zahid Mubarik on ISO 30414.

The mandatory disclosure of human capital information, which was enforced by the US Securities and Exchange Commission from November 9, 2020, will have a significant impact not only on US-listed companies but also on many companies including bond issuers. ISO30414 is positioned as the "minimum" information disclosure guideline by investors, and it is expected that the number of HR reports that comply with this guideline will increase in Japan and overseas.

Therefore, the HR Technology Consortium has decided to hold an online large-scale symposium specializing in Japan's first HRM international standard "ISO30414", which is suitable for the start of the new year in 2021! This series of movements will surely have a great impact on Japan in the near future as a new "global standard". The time has come when Japanese companies are strongly required to make a major shift to world-class HR management that utilizes HR data and HR technology.

At this large-scale symposium, after an online keynote speech (with simultaneous interpretation) by Mr. Zahid Mubarik, a major member of the ISO organization (Technical Committee 260) that established "ISO 30414", the corporate value will be utilized by utilizing engagement data from major domestic city banks. We will deliver a lot of content such as the introduction of good examples that led to improvement and panel discussion by Keio Business School Specially Appointed Professor Iwamoto, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation personnel executive, and HRT representative director Noriaki Kagawa

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January 19

ISO 30414 for Human Capital Reporting Standard: What is in it for Shareholders, Directors, CEOs, CHROs, Auditors, Consultants and Academia